It has been quite some time since I have “blogged”. In that two plus months life has happened all at once. One of the most drastic life changes I have made was moving in with my boyfriend.
After five months of dating I moved in with the adorable Yugoslavian man who stopped me on the street months earlier.
Living with a man is an adjustment, well a man that is not technically a roommate. Male roommates understand boundaries, and with roommates there is no expectation of sharing or the “what is mine is yours” assumption. When you first move in with the person you plan to share your life with there are a few things that may come as a surprise:
Men don’t diet; they just eat less of something and lose 10lbs or take a walk and lose 5lbs (bastards)
When you move in with your significant other don’t expect the good leftovers to be there when you go back for them
It’s always best to be sick when you have someone to take care of you (even if they are trying to cure your kidney infection with “remedies from Montenegro”
Men should not be allowed to use bleach, unless pink is becomes the new white . . . . literally
Men take longer to get ready than women
Men like cheesy reality shows . . . a lot
Putting a dish inside an empty dishwasher is apparently not common sense
Snoring . . . . .VERY LOUD snoring
Nocturnal flatulent
Men are always better drivers than women even if they suck at driving worse than anyone ever alive
My boyfriend is awesome really though. He cooks and cleans and rubs my back :-)