I recently met Jena’s brother Mark. They are two peas in a pod and he is just as wonderful as she is. He looks and speaks just like Woody Harrelson and has a quick wit delivered with a southern drawl that will drive you to tears.
Here are a few conversations that have taken place between the Girouard siblings and me.
A phone conversation one spring day at work:
Me: Jena, I know why we (Jena-a Gemini, me-a Taurus) can be such great friends but never date.
Jena: V.A., please tell me, aside from the fact that we are not lesbians,

Me: Well we are both standing at a ledge about to step off, but we are at different ledges so that way we can talk each other off said ledges.
Jena: Yeah, because if we were dating we would be holding hands jumping off that ledge together, for sure.
My first meeting with Mark:
Mark: I new you were 60/40 lesbian! I could just tell.
Me: But I have a boyfriend
Mark: Nope 60/40.
Jena and I leaving a soccer game
Jena: I’m driving Darren’s lesbian car
Me: I’ve never heard anyone call a car “lesbian”. What kind of car is it?
Jena: A Subaru Outback.
Me: I love that car!!! That was my first car when I got my license. I miss it so much!
Jena: Yeah, exactly, that’s cause you’re a lesbian
Gotta love the Girouards. I have yet to meet the older sister, but apparently she loves lesbians so I’m excited to be inducted into the family.
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