Why is Alistair a cunt? I guess my story of Pisserfest was incorrect. Of course I was only told this story while drunk by drunkards, so I apologize for any historical inaccuracy. For the real story see the poor grammar and proper grammar versions in the comments section of Day 26.
Ugly Betty Watchers - I kind of love her new boyfriend Matt!
So my sister and I were talking on the phone today. We were discussing our status as single women and I brought up the fact that we can't get it together yet my father seems to always have a girl friend.
Let me tell you a little bit about my father. He is 49 years old, he has disfigured arm, and a scar going down the back of his head (both from some guy who came after him with a machete), he is balding which is moot since he has to shave his head because his scar is so bad that he can't grow hair on his head anymore. My father has track marks on both arms and bad teeth from drug use. The icing on my father's cake is that he is co-infected with Hep C and HIV. Now, one would think that with all of this working against him that it would be difficult for him to find a significant other . . .well I guess my father is charming and may have once been good looking which trumps some women's need to date a guy with good teeth and no risk of contracting an STD, but what do I know.
Yet for as long as I can remember my dad has always had a girlfriend. And not like some chick to sleep around with. Like a real girlfriend, committed (well as committed as crackheads can be) and living together . . . .the whole-nine yards. Yet I can not manage to conjure a relationship that lasts longer than a rotation of Next Top Model. Now some of his girlfriends were not exactly runners up for Miss New England but most aren't that bad (for crackheads anyway). One would ask what this has to do with sobriety. Well I'm not really sure but it might have something to do my lack of sobriety up-to-this point.
p.s. Sometimes Betty pisses me off!
i may be a cunt, but lia and i do love ourselves some ugly betty, downloading all of season 2 and 3 and watching most of season 1. good times