My blog is called 50 Days Sober, Why I am better than Jesus. I'm better than Jesus because he only suffered for 40days and I'm suffering for 10 more than that!
Now onto why I am better than you. In short, I'm usually not but today is the exception.
So after playing three soccer matches last night I woke up very stiff and not feeling so well this morning. I took a hot shower, then warmed my legs up with a heating pad and headed into the office. The first thing I heard when I arrived at work was "You look gorgeous today!"
Now who said this to me you might ask? . . . an extremely hot, sexy, smart lesbian, slash colleague and partner in crime, Jamie. If I were to create an avatar of what I wanted to look like and who I'd want to be, she would be exactly like Jamie. And Jamie is so pretty that her beauty rivals that of Angelina Jolie (I shit you not).
Of course this story might have gone differently had I been off the wagon. It probably would have involved pillow fights, hair pulling, a white corvette, Warrant and girls making out. Obviously way better than how it actually went down.
P.S. my key to looking gorgeous I think has to do with the fact that I started brushing my hair again.
So on day 30 of my sobriety it seems that things are looking up. Now if I could only find the male equivalent of Jamie my life would be perfect.
Jamie has also taken a similar sobriety journey except she hit the 100 day mark . . .which is why she is better than all of us.
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