Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 40!!! Only 10 days left!

I can't believe I have been sober for 40 days. It's a miracle and one that I would prefer never to be repeated.

Lately, people have been asking me about clarity, learning about myself and how I've probably become so enlightened on my sober journey. On a level I have been enlightened, but enlightenment, flowers, and puppies don't get blog hits so I'm going to defer to the part of my soul that is angst ridden and has a great disdain for sobriety.

My thought on clarity through sobriety is this: Clarity for a commitment phobic alcoholic aspiring to be a world class raging alcoholic who coincidentally has a biological clock ticking like a time bomb is a recipe for disaster. In short I do not advise ever giving up dependence on controlled substances.

I was posed this question, "Moderation?"

Moderation , hmm. I'll think about it, but I'm not making any promises. Because if moderation does not drowned out the ticking of the biological clock and sufficiently cloud my judgment then I want no part of it.

I'm seeking guidance from words of some wise people.

"I do not live in the world of sobriety." Oliver Reed - Well Ollie, I prefer not to either. It's kind of a square place where us pegs don't belong.

"I keep telling people: Don't make me the poster boy for AA because I don't know a lot about sobriety, but I do know a lot about drinking." Billy Joel - Amen brother! I doubt anyone is trying to make me the poster girl for anything but I, too, know a lot about drinking.

"There is nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation." John Ciardi - I think I'm going to with this. I feel it is best for all parties involved.

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