If you don't like gays, are homophobic or use the word "faggot". You're an asshole and can go to hell.
This is an email chain from my co-workers:
From: Oz
To: JD, Becs, V-Lo
Subject: freak show Fridays at G
You are going tomorrow right??????
From: Becs
To: JD, V-Lo, Oz
Subject: freak show Fridays at G
From: V-Lo
To: JD, Becs, Oz
Subject: freak show Fridays at G
Me too and I'm bringing friends!
From: Oz
To: JD, Becs, V-Lo
Subject: freak show Fridays at G
Nice try Jan, but you don't have any friends . . . . . . . .

Are Aunt Monica or Aunt Va going? I'm just sayin....