I wake up pretty exhausted from painting baby Jackson's room. I'm a little nervous that I fucked it up but I will go back today.
I realize that my days of sobriety happen to fall with in the same time frame as lent. That's cute. Quite a coincidence since I know nothing about religion or Catholicism. I realize that lent is 40 days and 40 nights. That makes me a little nervous but I'm already a few days in so it's not so bad. Right?
3:15pm: I arrive at Jill's to finish painting. I find a paint marker at the craft store, it revolutionizes my life and the outlining of my jungle animals.
9:42: I finish Jackson's Baby Jungle. I'm pleased with my work. And of course Jill is great and makes it sound like I painted the Sistine Chapel.
10pm: Jill and Ric's slightly crazy new neighbor accosts me as I am clearing snow off of my car. He happened to buy his Honda at the same place I bought mine. He concluded our conversation with the following, "You are V.A., you live in Jersey City, went to college at Penn State and are friends with Ric and Jill." I hope I don't have a new stalker.
11pm: I arrive home to find that my roommate, Guy*, has one of his many lady friends over. Let me tell you a little bit about Guy. He is a very nice, decent looking dude, but you would think he was a Calvin Klein model the way the ladies throw themselves at him. In short he could sell ice to Eskimos which has made him a success on Wall Street and with the ladies.
Let's just say that the last time Guy had this particular lady friend over I thought the ceiling was going to cave in on me. This got me thinking that I have had good sex in about a month. I realized that in my effort to avoid drinking I probably wouldn't have much face time with any potential conquests. NOW I'M PISSED! I gave up alcohol but it seems that sex might be going with it. Boy do I wish I could drink.
To add insult to injury I live below Guy who has the Ho Train running through his sheets. Fuck my life!
*Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
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