Friday, March 13, 2009

Days 19 and 20

I'm in a funk so I'm merging Days 19 and 20

Why am I in a funk? Sometimes that's just how things roll. Maybe it's because I realized that it is damn near impossible to have sex like a porn star when you're sober or maybe its because day 20 coincides with Friday the 13th or maybe I realize that I'm never going to break the Gemini habit.

Experts think that drinking makes people depressed. Well I feel it is the other way around. Alcohol is like my lithium. It makes me normal, like the other people. I should itemize alcohol as a medical expense next year on my taxes.

Sometimes I struggle with my need to be me and the pressure to acclimate to what the normal people do. And every time I remotely think about being normal or make a minimal effort at being like everyone else it becomes painfully apparent why I belong on the other side of the street.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.  And fuck all y'all who don't like me and what I do. Amen.

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